
Fact-Checking Policy for Taza Khabar Hub

a) Taza Khabar Hub is committed to upholding the highest standards of accuracy across all of its content. We employ rigorous fact-checking practices, approaching claims with skepticism, questioning assumptions, and challenging conventional wisdom.

b) Our commitment to accuracy is fundamental to our reputation and the trust of our audience. We understand that the term ‘due accuracy’ means that the level of accuracy must be appropriate for the specific content, considering its subject and nature. We will explicitly mention any constraints that may influence the expectation of accuracy.

c) All our content, as suitable for its nature, will be well-sourced, relying on available evidence and cross-verification. We are committed to honesty and transparency, acknowledging when information is uncertain and avoiding unfounded speculation.

d) Taza Khabar Hub’s journalists never engage in plagiarism or deliberate distortion of facts or context, including visual information.

e) We seek independent verification from reliable sources to confirm claims, information, and allegations, particularly those made by public officials or individuals with agendas beyond simply reporting the truth. Claims, allegations, and material facts that cannot be corroborated will be attributed accordingly.

d) Taza Khabar Hub takes responsibility for the accuracy of the information it publishes. If errors are identified, we will promptly correct the news item or information. We do not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information that can undermine the trust of our audience. We acknowledge and rectify significant factual errors quickly, transparently, and appropriately.

e) We provide an opportunity for the public to report inaccuracies or errors in our reporting through the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every web story published on Taza Khabar Hub’s website.

f) Our journalists’ primary responsibility is to report, write, and fact-check stories. Stories go through survey by at least one editors. Taza Khabar Hub has a multi-level fact-checking process for stories requiring in-depth verification. The level of editor reviewing a story before publication depends on various factors, including complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints.

Correction Policies for Taza Khabar Hub

While Taza Khabar Hub continually strives for excellence and accuracy, we acknowledge that errors may occur occasionally. When such errors arise, we take responsibility for correcting them and maintain a high level of transparency to ensure that all stakeholders are confident that incorrect information is rectified.

Here are the steps each party should follow to achieve the goals of accuracy, transparency, and excellence:


If a reader identifies an error, they should promptly contact the editor-in-chief, Emilee Wentland, through email, phone, mail, or in person.

Email: info@tazakhabarhub-com

Subject: Correction Needed

A correction is officially submitted only when the reader directly contacts the editor-in-chief. Corrections sent to other Taza Khabar Hub staff members may not be addressed promptly or at all.

Correction submissions by email or mail should include the error, the issue date or number, where the error was observed (in print, online, etc.), the reader’s name, and contact details (phone number or email address). Readers should also provide the correct information and the source of that information, if applicable. For instance, if there was an incorrect Student Senate vote tally, please provide the meeting minutes.

The peruser can anticipate a reaction from the supervisor in-boss and might be reached for additional explanation or data.Please note that submitting a correction is an assurance that the error will be investigated, but it does not guarantee that a correction will be issued.

Taza Khabar Hub:

Once the editor-in-chief is informed of an error, they will conduct an investigation using the information provided by the reader, meeting minutes, reporter’s recordings, and other available sources.

If an error is confirmed, the editor-in-chief will issue a correction in all the mediums where the incorrect information was disseminated:


Rectifications will be imprinted on page 2A in the following distributed issue. The correction will specify the issue, article, incorrect information, and the correct information.

Taza Khabar Hub Website:

The article will be corrected, and an editor’s note will be added at the end of the article, indicating the error and when the article was corrected.

Social Media:

If the article was shared on Facebook, Twitter, or other online platforms controlled by Taza Khabar Hub, a post will be made linking to the corrected article and noting the correction.

Once the correction is implemented, the editor-in-chief will contact the reader who submitted the correction, informing them of the steps taken to correct the error.


  • Annu Kumari

    I am Annu Kumari, a skilled content writer and proficient website developer. With expertise in HTML and CSS, I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical prowess to my work.

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